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Child-Life Faith In Action!

Kids reading Jesus Makes Me Fruit-Tabulous

#Proudmamma moment here! The other day, while at the park, one of Chloe's new friend was clearly upset over something and began to cry. As she went to sit at the table, Chloe of her own accord, walked over to the little book library that was out there for the kids & grabbed my book, Jesus Makes Me Fruit-Tabulous. As she handed it to her friend & I heard her say, "it's ok, this will help you feel better." Then she sat down & began to read it to her. As she read, the girl's older sister joined them and before long, these 3 girls were all smiles again.

OMGoodness - as a mom this made my heart melt; I had to capture this moment. Not because she was reading my book, but because out of all the ways she could have comforted her friend she chose to bring the comfort that she knows only Jesus can bring. She even hit a home run with the page she chose to read. "Jesus makes me happy, in Him I have joy & plenty to share" - (see picture below). They say that a picture is worth a thousand words & this picture says it all.

Jesus Makes Me Fruit-Tabulous; Storybook; Confessions for Kids;

How did she know to do that even at 5 years old? Training. We as a family, don't just go to church on Sunday, Jesus is a part of everyday life in our house. She has come to know through experiences in her own life, the peace & comfort that Jesus brings. Quite honestly, and I don't say this because this is my book, a lot of the knowledge she has today has come through many, many conversations that we've had with her after having read this one little book over & over again. As I've said before, It's simple, relatable, & every time you read this book to your little ones not only are you building their faith & trust in Jesus but you are painting a picture of what a life lived every day with Jesus looks like & here is living proof that it works. I am so proud of my baby girl!

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